In an “almost historic” meeting Jewish and Christian speakers met for a symposium on Hanukkah. This happened during Hanukkah 2023. Organized by Root Source and hosted by The Nathaniel Foundation the sympoisum offered different perspectives on the holiday...
The Holocaust Remembrance Association, Houston, Texas will be hosting an event online for the Night of the Broken Glass, Nov. 9, which is known as thr Kristallnacht in German. This year discussing the horrors of 1938 is especially relevant. I will be speaking about...
The Holocaust Remembrance Association in Kingswood, Texas (near Houston) hosts a special event soon. The event is personally hosted by Director Rozalie Jerome. The Holocaust Garden of Hope is opening its Gate: a Replica of the Jasenovac Concentration Camp Gate in...
A historic event took place in Houston, Texas on November 14, 2022. A dream and a vision becomes reality. The Holocaust Garden of Hope held a groundbreaking ceremony. The Garden will commemorate the Holocaust especially through the fates of children. Read more about...
Dr. Susanna Kokkonen’s book about the Holocaust -including the history behind it- is now available in German. Published by Fontis, the book is about Jewish-Christian relations as well as the Bible and antisemitism. Time-wise the story goes from the Creation to...
Sadly, the fate of refugees continues being a timely topic. “The Historian” recently published an interesting review of Professor Marion Kaplan’s research “Hitler’s Jewish Refugees: Hope and Anxiety in Portugal” (Yale University...
Dr. Susanna Kokkonen travels around the world speaking to Christian, Jewish and civic audiences about the Holocaust, Genocide, anti-Semitism and Israel today. She has lectured in the parliaments of Canada, Finland and Sweden as well as at the European Parliament.